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Cookies and Cream Cupcakes

OK – I know that I post lots of devos, and I rave about my kids alot.  So, to mix it up a bit, it’s time for a decadent, not good for you, WONDERFUL cupcake that I just put together this evening.  It all starts 

Breakfast Tea

It was just another typical rushing, busy morning. I got up, woke Xander and Raylee, and went to the kitchen to start breakfast. Xander has started drinking coffee, which I have mixed feelings about, and Raylee LOVES to drink hot tea. I use my Keurig 

A Note about Helping Others

We all have one.  The person that only calls when they need something.  The one that, when you see his name pop up in your caller ID,  you think “Clear the calendar, there goes my day.”   They always need help.  And not just the 

Stuck in the Bathtub

Raylee had begged for a dog for months, so for her 9th birthday, we broke down and got her a Shitz Tzu.  We have come to the conclusion that he must have been the runt of the litter, because he is only about 8 pounds 

My word is my bond

Zoe is my newest baby.  She is also the one to do all her firsts, last.  That’s a little bittersweet.  She is our princess.  She is just learning to talk well, and mimics everything she sees.  When I watch her toddle through the house, I