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A New Promise

A New Promise

I’m sticking this little post here on the front of my blog, as a reminder.  For me, for whomever happens by here, as a reminder that time will heal the heart that depression broke.  And as the healing progresses, the writing will improve.  My heart 

Still Into You

Still Into You

I’ve spent the entire day looking for the “right” thing to post for Valentines Day. My day started with the thought “Crap, it’s Valentines Day”. Romantic Right? Matthew and I have been on the outs for a few days, mostly my fault, but still, it 

Ezra is Seven

Ezra is Seven

Ezra turned seven this December.  Its amazing to me that he can be seven already.  He was the baby that came around after the other two had gotten bigger.  He showed up after Matthew and I had gotten used to the kids being able to 

Raylee’s Christmas Suprise

Raylee’s Christmas Suprise

Today we are going to drive to the outskirts of Chicago to see a man about a bird. Yes, a bird. Raylee has got it in her head that she wants a Sun Conure. It’s a little yellow hook beaked bird that can learn to 

Protected: The Day After

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.