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Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much – – Helen Keller Last week, when I dropped Ezra and Zoe off at my mother-in-law’s house, we were standing in the yard watching the dog play.  As three year old’s often do, 

Canning Tomato Juice

This morning, before my feet hit the floor, I got a call.  A friend with a flourishing garden had 2 five gallon buckets of tomatoes that needed “done something with” as she said.  So I retrieved the buckets and began the long process of making 

Meal Swapping

This week is the first meeting of our church’s meal co-op. I know, many of you are saying “What is a meal co-op?” Well, it’s going to be a learning process for all of us!  This is the first time for anyone in our church 

Bathroom Remodel Update

We have purchased our home, and now we are starting some renovations. Before we ever bought the house, the master bathroom had to have some work done.  The floor around the toilet was getting thin and when you stepped on the the laminate it sagged 

A Big Lesson From My Tiny Tot

So we can feel sure and say,  “The Lord is my helper;  I will not be afraid.  Nothing can hurt me.” Everyday my 3 year old son begs me to let him walk across the yard to grandma’s house. Most of the time I tell