Lanie’s Birthday

Spent the weekend at St. Louis with Lanie and Raylee. Mom and Amanda went and we all had a great time.

These pictures!  So much to talk about!



The first one is mom crawling through a vent shaft at the City Museum.  I about wet my pants laughing.  “You know I’m an old woman”  she kept saying.  It was so hilarious!.  The second one was of Amanda, trying to catch up with Lanie and Raylee.  The girls had squeezed themselves into this crack.  Amanda was convinced she could fit too.  She promptly got wedged.  In true helpful sister fashion, I took her picture.  🙂

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So these two pictures are proof of the most terrifying thing I ever did.  Raylee and Lanie climbed the ladder in the 2nd picture.  It’s hard to tell, but there is about 1 foot of clearance between the wall and that welded ladder.  After you get to the top, (which again, is terrifying) you have to drop down into the upside down bird cage before you  can climb out of the silo.  To the top of the roof!  I used to think I wasn’t afraid of heights, today proved to me that I have a real fear.  Palpable.


In the first picture we are Rejoicing!  We made it to the roof of the silo, and didn’t die!  I was sure I was going to have to just live there for a while, the paralyzing fear was crazy.  Check out what is behind us in this picture.  IT’s really that high!!

In the second picture is Amanda’s “I didn’t make it to the top” face.  She chickened out.  I don’t blame her, I only did it because Raylee did.  Today we were Strong and Fierce!

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The view from the top!  The ferris wheel was amazing to watch, but I’m a lightweight when it comes to rides, and I couldn’t get on it.  Sometimes if I get motions sickness I’m down for several days, I didn’t want to risk it on our amazing trip.  Amanda and mom shared a seat and of course the daredevil girls had a spin.

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This bird cage was on top of the roof of the City museum, you can see the height by looking at the second picture.  Those girls weren’t afraid, they climbed right up in there.  I took their picture from a bridge across from them.  It’s a pretty amazing place.

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This first picture is taken from the bus window.  You see the bus in the second picture?  That bus window.  Hanging off the roof.  This was almost too much for me. Almost, but not entirely.  I still was standing in that second window of the bus to get that first picture.  CRAZY?  Absolutely.

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These last two pictures are from the end of the night.  By this time I was pretty frazzled from my roof hiking, and sliding down the 15 story slide.  By the time we attempted the climbing along the wings of these airplanes, I was just about past my limit of being brave.  The first picture is where Amanda and I walked from the building out to an airplane that was hanging out about 10 stories up.  After we cautiously made that trek across, a little kid came along behind me running.  Boy, Im a weeny. Then Raylee and Lanie did this last picture.  That is them climbing from the first airplane to the wing of the second airplane via a metal slinky.  At this point they are between 10 and 12 stories off the ground and going up.  Brave Girls.  Not me, I was over done on the brave thing for the day.  Wrung out and a nervous wreck.


It was a really fun day, and the next day we went to the zoo.  The zoo weather was wonderful, but we were really tired from the day before so we wore out quick.

I’m so glad I got to take Raylee out for a fun time, she does so much for me and I can never seem to repay her for her kindness and help.  This weekend was a good thing for her.