Beautiful – By Ezra Davidson


Several weeks ago, Ezra and Zoe were anxiously awaiting the arrival of “Baby D”.  You see, Jordan and Loarmy didn’t have a name for their coming baby, so we called her “Baby D”.   We did know that it was a girl so we started buying all the pink frilly things we could find!  Today  was supposed to be “Baby D’s” actual birthday, but she decided to grace the world with her presence a bout three weeks early.  We have been enjoying “Baby D” every second since her birth.

In honor of her “supposed to be birthday” I thought I would share a short story about Ezra, and his very cool conversation with his sisters.

Here’s how the conversation went between him and Zoe:

Z:  What’s the babies name gonna be?

E:  We don’t know yet… but its gonna be a girl.

Z:  What’s she gonna look like?

E:  I don’t know. But… I know she’s gonna be BEAUTIFUL.

Z:  How you know that? 

E:  Well, her mommy is beautiful.  And beautiful mommies make beautiful babies.  

Z:  Huh?

E:  Yep.  Just like our mommy is beautiful. And that’s what made you and Raylee beautiful too.  That’s how it works. 

Yes Ezra – that’s how it works.  I just love him.



Happy “supposed to be” birth-day, Ms. Leah Grace Davidson.  You really are beautiful.