Raylees’ Sacrifice and Action!

Today I had the great privilege of watching my daughter get her hair cut for the first time.

It isn’t very often that a mother gets to see something that she has taught her children become an actual action.  We have  been talking about sacrifice in Sunday School.  That is a hard concept for a young kid.  Its not often that they are required or even given an opportunity to actually sacrifice.  Especilally in the United State in this age, we are so very spoiled.  Kids expect so much, and give very little back.  So sacrifice is a very foreign concept to many.  Raylee had been struggling with this idea.

But just the other day we watched a documentary about donating hair for children that are undergoing chemotherapy.  Raylee was instantly drawn in, wanting to donate her hair to the cause.  Telling me about sacrifice, I was hit with the realization that she understood, even in her young mind, that cutting off her hair for someone else would be a sacrifice.  I was very uneasy.  Raylee has long blonde hair that is THICK.  She loves it. It is hard to let her do something so drastic.  I was sure she would regret it.

But Raylee persisted.

So we went to the hairdresser.

And, today I had the great privilege of watching my daughter get her hair cut for the first time. She had 12 inches cut off.

And she put into action the things that we have been learning about in Sunday School.  Which is what this life is all about, right?  She saw a need and wanted to help, she sacrificed her hair for the help of others.

I am so proud of her.

And she is just as beautiful on the inside  as she is on the outside.