Tread Lightly, Dear Husband…

Tread lightly, dear husband

because before you ever walk in the door tonight, I’m already tired.

the living room that is clean, didn’t get that way by it’s self, and I have vacuumed the pretzels up twice, and put the toys all away(again), cleaned the fingerprints off the TV screen and removed the crackers from the DVD player, just to get the room clean before you got home.

Tread lightly, dear husband.

because before you embrace me and tease “books and bonbons all day?” I am tried.

the dinner that is cooked, took 3 hours to accomplish because Zoe opened the nail polish and painted her legs, then the dishwasher started leaking and I burned the roast, so I made pasta instead.

Tread lightly, dear husband

because before you tuck those babies in bed tonight, and read and water them.  I am tapped out.

those sheets you just tuck them into, had to be washed again today, because not only did Zoe wet her bed, Ezra did too.  And the bottle of cooking oil that mysteriously disappeared during supper preparations, reappeared empty and rubbed all over his pillows.

Yes, dear sweet husband. Tread Lightly tonight.

A few nights ago, my husband came home and was jolly and playful as per usual.  I had a rough day, and yes, all those things in that little poem happened in one day.  I was frustrated, tired, and entirely tapped out before he even reached the front door.  I was in no mood for playful.  My mood was cool, throughout the evening and before the evening was over I was plum mad.

“Doesn’t he know how hard I work?”  I kept thinking.  And “Why does he get all the cheers when he walks in the door?  I’m the one who has been DOING everything?”  I fumed most of the night.

** Stay at home moms, I know how you feel.  Getting up before dawn, and and remembering everything that has to be done for the day.  Trying to catch the first wave of trouble at the start, so it doesn’t catch you unaware.  We work so hard for all that we deem “necessary” and we give our time, energy, and money to make those necessary things possible.  We do so many things that never get seen, and life just swims along.  Our family around us oblivious to the back breaking work that goes into making their lives easier.

What I have to keep reminding myself are these few things:

#1 – My kids need ME.  Not anyone else, just me.  Who else can teach them the things that our family thinks are important?  Who else will be as patient with them as I am?  I wouldn’t entrust any one else with such an important job.  They are not going to stay little forever, remember to suck up that youth, relish in it.  They want you to give them ALL of your attention, and they deserve it.

#2 – I CHOSE to stay at home with them.  Knowing that there would be difficult days, and that there would be days that I would rather “eat bonbons and read”, I gave up the bonbons and took on the bad days because I WANTED to.  No buyers remorse here!  You got what you wanted…now like it!

#3 – My husband UNDERSTANDS that my job is hard too.  Matthew has to work, to pay the bills.  One day I will go work too, but until my kids are out of the house, we both understand that I am where I need to be.  Matthew really does work hard to make me feel appreciated, and rarely complains about anything.  We have very good communication skills (aka: I talk a lot) . He is very quick to take over when I am tapped out.

#4 – Remember, there’s always nap time. 🙂

Praying for all you stay at home moms to find a little peace in your hectic days.  Remember, they are only babies for a little while…