Sacrifice and Action

teacup note
“Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on to someone else.”

After writing Breakfast Tea,  I got a lot of feedback from friends and family and I got a lot of praise.  To all of you I say a very heartfelt thank you!

A few days after I posted that blog, Raylee received a package in the mail from a friend of mine, Lori Barker.  It had a beautiful letter about collecting tea cups and how Lori had received a tea cup set from her grandmother that she wanted to give to Raylee.  Raylee dug through the packing and un-earthed a beautiful china tea cup that matched the one she had lost just the week before.  Raylee was ecstatic.  We immediately had to have a cup of tea and try out her new cup!

I sat there with Raylee and we talked about what our favorite tea was, and whether I took honey or sugar in my tea, and how the British drink milk in their tea.  Raylee was quiet a minute then asked “Mommy, why did Lori give me her tea cup? Won’t she miss it?  It’s very pretty, why would she give up something she loved?”

“Well,” I explained, “Sometimes people just do things, to make others happy.  Even if it means giving up something they love.”

When was the last time you gave up something you loved for someone else?  Think about it…, gave up something you love, for someone else…

You see, Lori read about Raylee’s love of tea and the loss of her tea cup, and felt compelled to help ease her sadness.  She showed love to Raylee in a way that Raylee will never forget.  Lori showed Raylee real love.  

My favorite definition of love comes from Dave Simmons.  His quote is this “Love is sacrificial action!  Love always pays a price. Love always costs something. Love is expensive. Love is for you, not for me. Love gives; it doesn’t take. Love is sacrificial action.”

Lori not only had to feel love, she had to give up something to show it, and she had to take action to give it.  It’s not enough to just feel love.  Love requires a sacrifice and an action.

Thank you Lori – for the opportunity to teach my baby yet another wonderful lesson.

And thank you for helping me to remember that showing love requires both parts, the sacrifice and the action.