Worth Fixing


I was talking with my sister last Friday.  We were getting ready for my brothers wedding, fretting over the cake we were supposed to already have done, and worrying about if it was pretty enough.  Amanda, who is always more fashionable than I am, tells me how she needs to go to town and get her a new jean jacket to wear to the wedding tomorrow night.  Here’s the conversation:

 “Oh, I have a jacket you can borrow!”  And I rush to the closet to pull it out for her.  

Upon a 2 second inspection of my jacket, she says “Is that the jacket with the button missing?”

“What?” I say, “I never noticed.” but after I look, I DID notice, the jacket was missing a button.  “How did you know that?”

“That’s MY jacket I donated to the food and clothing bank two weeks ago!”  she says.

I smile. “Well, now it’s MY jacket, I got it there when I volunteered last Saturday.”

She says “I got a really good deal on that jacket, I only paid $10 for it, then the button fell off!”

“No,” I reply, “I got the good deal, I bought it for a quarter, and can fix the button”

As I relayed this story to my husband later that evening, he chuckled, then said, “I guess the jacket was valuable to you, because you saw that is was worth fixing”

Worth Fixing.  Hmmm… I pondered those two words.  As a mom, I’m faced with these types of questions almost on a daily basis.  Do I mend the socks or go buy a new pair?  Can I afford a new winter coat or should I take in the one I have?  Do we refinish the dining table or start saving for and new one?

Is it worth fixing?

I so often feel like the sock with a hole in it, or the table with the big water circle raised up in the middle.  I feel like at one time I was useful and served a great purpose.  But life has worn me thin and left scars on me.  I have lost some buttons. There are days that I feel like I am not worth fixing.  Just throw me out and go buy new, it would probably be easier.


The Bible tells us that we, as people, are always worth fixing.  And God’s not talking about just replacing a button!  We will be a “new creation”!  We will not even look like our old selves, but something new!  God looks at worn out “me” and sees something worth fixing.  AND – we are worth so much to Him.  He would pay $100 for me (even worn out and scarred).  He would pay $1,000. A $1,000,000.  Even more, He would sacrifice His son; for worn out. torn up. wasted away. old. me.  

He would pick me up, out of the trash bin, and say, “You’re worth fixing.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

 So then, if anyone is in Christ, that person is a new creation. The old things have gone away, and look, new things have arrived!