Just Like You


A few day ago we were riding in the car, and Ezra who  is my most talkative child, was rambling about the movie that was on and talking to his sister.  I wasn’t paying much attention to the conversation that was going on in the back seat, until the argument caught my ear.  I hear Ezra say quite loudly “QUIT BEING A BOOB!”

Ugh!  I actually moaned and bounced my head against the steering wheel.  “Man,” I think, “I say that!”

Then later that day while the kids were playing in their rooms, I hear a banging.  I investigate to find Ezra laying under the sink in his play kitchen with his plastic hammer, he says “I’m fixing the sink, just like daddy”  And Zoe says “I need to do the dishes, Ezzie, hurry up!”

Our children are just like little sponges.  They hear the things we say, they watch the things we do, and the things we do and say with emphasis, they repeat with that same fervor.

What are your children seeing?  What will they repeat when they get to school today?  Will it be a great tribute to your parenting?  Or will it be the head thumping “Oh, no, I SAID that!!”

When I was expecting my first child, my father in law sent Matthew a CD by Phillips Craig and Dean.  The song is so touching, the lyrics say it all…

“Lord, I want to be just like You
‘Cause he wants to be just like me
I want to be a holy example
For his innocent eyes to see
Help me be a living Bible, Lord
That my little boy can read
I want to be just like You
‘Cause he wants to be like me

Sometime it seems like no matter how I watch my words, and no matter how much “thought checking” I do, I still impart to my children my “not so good” habits.  I am selfish and I loose my temper, I say things I shouldn’t, and do things that are not mature.

Last night as we got ready for bed, I was tired and not in the mood for the routine.  As I went to turn out the light Ezra inquired “Are we going to talk to God tonight?”   Sometimes the innocence of a child’s question can stop me in my tracks.  “Yes, why don’t you go first tonight.”

Maybe I’m remembering to show him some important things too?

1 Corinthians 11:1 – Follow my example, just as I follow the example of Christ.

Dear Lord – As I sit here today, I want to ask for You to help guide my actions, and hold my tongue.  Help me to speak the wisdom my kids need to hear, and help me to be silent when I should be as well.  Please make me the holy example that my babies need to see.  Help me look to You, and help my children see You through me. Amen.