Halloween Thru the Years

happy-halloween-clipart_3Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year.  Everything about the crisp air, and caramel apples, the colorful leaves and the smell of cider, makes my heart have a buoyancy. When I woke up this morning, the house was wonderfully cool.  Fall is truly here!

It’s time to get Halloween costumes again.  Every year we have the same conversations.  They go like this “No, Xander that’s too scary…  Raylee, one can of glitter hairspray is enough… Yes, your dad can paint your face to be that… That is a great costume, now how do you not freeze in it?”

We did eventually get our costumes figured out for this year, and that will be a different post (they are really cute!) But I wanted to share some of the past costume experiences.

WARNING: there are some frightening pictures of my sister and I included below.  We both love to have a good time together and sometimes it just gets a little out of hand. Unfortunately, there was a camera involved, and now there’s proof of our “goober-ness”.




I know what your thinking, “Wow, Ezra looks awful!”  This is the Halloween that he was very sick.  He had just come home from Riley’s Children’s Hospital, he was recovering from E. Coli.  This was a bad winter for all of us.  I remember Ezra’s first “real food” after he was sick,  was noodles and mashed potatoes at Christmas Eve.  It took a long time for him to feel better.

All The Other Years

“The Witch and Fairy Incident of 2008”

Notice that I haven’t dressed up for Halloween since these photos were taken.  Lesson Learned.

I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween.  GO MAKE SOME MEMORIES!!!