A Big Lesson From My Tiny Tot

20130927_134117So we can feel sure and say,  “The Lord is my helper;  I will not be afraid.  Nothing can hurt me.

Everyday my 3 year old son begs me to let him walk across the yard to grandma’s house. Most of the time I tell him no because we have a rather large white dog that still hasn’t outgrown his puppy stage, Casper. Our dog likes to put you on your back and lick you into submission. So this afternoon when Ezra asked again if he could walk across the yard to grandmas I considered the question and with some trepidation,  gave in to his request this time.

As my two babies stepped out the back door, I heard Ezra tell Zoe.  “Don’t worry I will protect you.”  He took her hand and pulled her towards the edge of the yard.  Then repeated “I will protect you, just hold my hand and stay by me”  And they took off towards grandmas house.

As I watched them, I was struck by the words of my baby.  Where did he learn to be the protector?  And what gave him the confidence to step out into the yard with his sister in tow, and take on her well being as his responsibility?  Wow!  To be so brave.  And to not think twice.

There is wisdom in growing older, but I also think that we become jaded a little bit.   Life roughs us up, like a worn out pair of jeans, we fray around the cuffs and wear thin in spots that get overworked. We lose confidence in ourselves, because life is hard and exhausting.  And there is always someone there to watch, and wait for your fall.

(BIG sigh)

As I watch my children, I am often dumbfounded by their self confidence at such a tender age.  Children believe that they can conquer the world, one backyard at a time.  I am praying for God to give me the eyes of a child, eyes that have not been tainted with the rejection and “hard knocks” of life.

I pray for confidence in Christ.

The next time I am presented with something that shakes me, something that I maybe fear, I am going to stretch myself to a new level of confidence.  I am going to examine more closely my reasons for doubt.

I think if I listen closely I will hear God say, just like Ezra did, “Don’t worry I will protect you”.  And I will feel the comfort of His hand.  How great to know that God is right there saying “I will protect you, just stay by me”


Psalm 138:7  Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me