It’s all about Love.

It’s all about Love.

Most of you that read my blog know me. You know my history, you knew me as a kid.  I was a good girl, yet so spoiled.  I was blessed beyond measure. My parents were diligent in bringing me up in the church.  I knew nothing else.  I knew Jesus loved me because I sang the song that said it.  I knew that I was saved because the preacher proved it with my Bible.  I signed a baptism certificate that felt like signing a permission slip to go to heaven.  I thought I had it all figured out.

I was so sure that I had it figured out.

I did everything right.  Right?

I have this song that I have been playing for the last two days.  It’s a song about a letter written when the singer is 18, which is opened when she is 28.  I’m getting ready to turn 40 this year.  (What can I say? I’m a slow learner I guess.) It’s a convicting song… one that calls out the things that I have said and done as a naive younger Christian.  And I can relate to so many things in this song. 

I use the excuse that giving a hand out just prolongs the problem and “it’s ok” – the system will help them out.  Then I shake my head at how the system is broken.  And make that exact comment “I sure hope someone can fix it.”

The lyrics in this song just hit the nail right on the head.

— Remember all the hoops we made people jump through when he offered His love so freely?

— You cannot imagine the places you’ll see Jesus, but you’ll find Him all the places that you thought He wasn’t supposed to go.

I think of all the people that we make feel little or “less than” and I remember that Jesus went to all those people. He intentionally sought them out so that he could love them. He didn’t stand on a corner and yell and he didn’t sit behind a computer screen typing an opinion piece that points out the things that have to be changed to receive His gift. He offered Himself to all. ALL. Not just the Jews, not just the Gentiles, not just those that came seeking him. He went to those that NEEDED him. He sat with them, he washed their feet, he fed them, he loved them.

It’s all about LOVE.

And, here’s the other thing about this song, the ACTIONS. Go. Hold. Feel. Shout. March. Sit. Dance. Sing. Cry.

Love is an ACTION. You cant love passively. It requires you to go and do.


Who have you offered love to this week that you feel they didn’t deserve it? Anyone?

Are there those that you see that maybe need a handout of love from you? Are you tired of giving handouts?

Who do you see that are marginalized and made to feel small, that might need you to stand up for them? Are you afraid to show that kind of love? Is it too risky?

There is no excuse and no example from Jesus that would indicate that you should withhold love from anyone. There are stories all through the Bible about Jesus going to the marginalized and bringing them into the fold. No examples of Jesus withholding His love. In fact, there are verses that say very much the opposite. The Bible tells us that others will know that we are disciples of Christ because of the love that we show to others.

It’s all about LOVE.

Abiding in Hope: Known By Our Love- Sermon for Easter 5C

Jesus loves us this I know.  And there are no exceptions.