The Sexiest Man Alive!

I saw a magazine this morning that screamed across the cover “Sexiest Man Alive!” So, with trepidation, I searched the cover for a name to go with the shirtless man on the front. Channing Tatum. huh. I wasn’t very impressed. Not that he isn’t a nice looking guy, he is, but I measure sexy in a different way I guess.

For me, sexy is measured in the “I got this” statement that Matthew makes when he changes Zoe’s stinky diaper for me.

Sexy is watching the 5th installment of twilight, “because I want to make you happy”

Sexy is turning on my coffee for me before my feet hit the floor in the morning.

For me, the measure of a mans sexiness, is not how he looks with his shirt off but by how he looks with his sleeves rolled up, washing the 4th sink of dishes because the dish washer is broke.

It’s measured by how much football he misses to go bowling with Xander and Raylee.

Sexy, is giving up your XBOX time for your son to play Sesame Street Kinect. (Really sexy, is getting up and dancing like cookie monster with him!)

You see, for me, true masculinity is measured very differently than the way the world measures it.  It’s getting up and taking your 4 screaming kids to church, It’s making soup for the church chili supper and writing riddles for a mystery dinner.  It’s studying for the bible lesson on Saturday night.  It’s explaining to your children why we do the “right” thing, when everyone else seems to be going a different way.  It is giving glory to God for our blessings, and calling on Him in the hard times.  It’s a man with his head bowed in prayer over the head of his sleeping child.

A man who does all that — now that is sexy~

One of my favorite songs has this lyric:

“You can spend your life pursuing physical perfection but there’s so much more than ever meets the eye, for God looks through the surface and He defines your worth by what is on the inside. Oh, I say the measure of a man is not how tall you stand, how wealthy or intelligent you are, ’cause I found the measure of a man.”

The way I measure a sexy man, is by his sacrificial love of others, what he does with his life, and how he uses his life to give all the glory to God.

So here’s the pictures of 2012’s “Sexiest Man Alive” It will probably be the same man next year too, and for every year after that for that matter!

<editors note: Yes, my wife also asks me to review these.>