Still Into You

Still Into You

I’ve spent the entire day looking for the “right” thing to post for Valentines Day.

My day started with the thought “Crap, it’s Valentines Day”. Romantic Right?

Matthew and I have been on the outs for a few days, mostly my fault, but still, it didn’t set up the perfect day for February 14th.

So I wasn’t sold on the lovey, dovey, Valentine-y day. Then I opened facebook.

And EVERYBODY has the spouse picture, and posting how long they have been together, how much they are in love, and blessed, and all those other words that mean mushy crap. Blah, blah, lovey, dovey, pffft! It was just irritating. Some of my older, wiser friends posted how they had been together 20, 30, even 40 years. That earned a eyebrow lift.  Some of my friends had only been together a few years and were still in that “honeymoon” part. You know them, SUPER mushy, non realistic type, relationship bragging.  It was even more irritating.

At first.

Then I realized something.

19. That is the number of Valentine Days I have had with this man. I looked back at our wedding picture.  Wow! We were babies!  And EVERYONE thought we were making a mistake, but man we are proving them wrong!

19.  It’s not 20, its not 40!  But 19 is a very long time.

And we have been CRUSHING it!

College? Heck yeah!  Oops, a baby? Bring it on! Graduated!! Woo Hoo!  Wowzer, baby #2! (that wasn’t planned, but OK, whatever) No Job? No problem, we got each other!  New job, New house, New van to fit babies # 3 & # 4. (Yes, we know how that happens) A job loss, a job promotion.  Major Depressive Disorder, another move, and several difficult life changes later…

We are still making it! We. Are. Still. Here.

I texted Matthew all day, different kinds of memes and clips, videos and music about Valentines day.  Some cute, some sickly sweet, some down right naughty.  Getting a response from each one that matched my tenacity for getting back to normal.  Eventually I got around to confessing that I have been a miserable wife for a couple days. And stressing that I still feel all those mushy things for him, even if I intentionally ate crackers on his side of the bed last night…

His response was this song.



Can’t count the years on one hand that we’ve been together
I need the other one to hold you, Make you feel better
It’s not a walk in the park to love each other
But when our fingers interlock, can’t deny, you’re the worth it

‘Cause after all this time
I’m still into you
I should be over all the butterflies but I’m into you, I’m into you
And baby even our worst nights
I’m into you,
Let ’em wonder how we got this far,
‘Cause I don’t really need to wonder at all
Yeah, after all this time
I’m still into you

Yep, He’s Still into Me.  I still got it.  Even after 19 years.

The roller coaster is fun, because of who is on the ride with you.  And it helps if hes still “into you”.  🙂