Raylee’s Christmas Suprise

Raylee’s Christmas Suprise

Today we are going to drive to the outskirts of Chicago to see a man about a bird. Yes, a bird.

Raylee has got it in her head that she wants a Sun Conure. It’s a little yellow hook beaked bird that can learn to talk. Most of them are extremely friendly and have almost human like mannerisms.

So we had this bird picked out in the pet shop here in Terre Haute, but we waited too long and now we have to find a place that sell the birds so that we can get one before Christmas. So 5 days before Christmas, (5 DAYS!!!) we are heading to Chicago to pick up a bird.

A little info about owning a Sun Conure, and note that we don’t actually OWN one yet, this is just general things that I think are crazy. They live 30 years. Lets put that into perspective. I will be 66 years old and Matthew will be retired before this bird kicks the bucket. And Raylee who is a kid, only 11, will be (yes, do the math) 41! Thats crazy! Why are we buying her a bird that is going to last for 30 years. Also, conures are intelligent, like escape artists. This makes them really hard to keep in their cages. Birds in general are messy, and LOUD and require daily attention. Oh yeah, these Conures have been raised on fruit, so add cutting fruit to your daily to do list for the next 30 years. Why are we buying a bird??

Well, the simple thing is, Raylee rarely asks for anything. She is the definition of “good girl”. She constantly helps me, and not in the annoyed teenager way. She truly wants to be of service. I’m not the only one that has seen this, Grandma Sheila and Aunt Loramy both know that if they need help they can ask Raylee. Raylee will always be there with a smile on her face ready to do whatever you need. She works for gummies! (you know, like peach rings and gummy worms) The Rural King ones are her favorite.

Raylee is content with whatever life gives her. She doesn’t mind being last, and she doesn’t mind giving up her portion so that someone else can have part of the fun. She often times misses doing whatever it is we are doing, because she is busy facilitating the doing. (Don’t know if that even made sense). She is a worker.

Raylee NEVER complains. I mean, sometimes, when it’s just me and her she will confess that she missed doing an activity or that she feels left out because she is doing the “adult” part of the activity. But when we are working together and serving others she is the epitome of a humble spirit and a contrite heart.

So when she expressed this want for a bird, at first we were like “Heck no!” But then, realized “when was the last time she asked for something?” And the answer was “uhhh, last Christmas?? Maybe??”

So we are off to Chicago, and to make the girl a happy girl. It’s going to be a great day.

Pictures to follow of the happy girl.