Month: April 2014

Tread Lightly, Dear Husband…

Tread lightly, dear husband because before you ever walk in the door tonight, I’m already tired. the living room that is clean, didn’t get that way by it’s self, and I have vacuumed the pretzels up twice, and put the toys all away(again), cleaned the 

Banana Bread Pudding

I know there are other moms out there that have the “banana problem”.  My kids eat them great one week, and then the next week I buy them and they sit on the counter and turn brown.  Then there are 4 bananas that are too 

Way back Wednesday – Ezra

Aunt Loramy took the best pictures of the kids last fall.  I will try to get them all posted eventually.  This week it’s Ezra’s turn. He had the best facial expressions.  Here’s just a few of those priceless pics Loramy caught.  

How to Eat an Elephant

I have been so stressed out lately.  Deadlines hanging over my head, and programs that need written, camp meetings to be ready for, and reports that need put together.  I can name half a dozen things that need finished by the end of the week 

Making Laundry Soap

I have made my own laundry soap for years now!  It is so easy and it lasts for about  3 months.  The recipe I use makes a 5 gallon bucket.  It took me a while to  get it just right but this recipe is my