Month: March 2014

Just Like You

A few day ago we were riding in the car, and Ezra who  is my most talkative child, was rambling about the movie that was on and talking to his sister.  I wasn’t paying much attention to the conversation that was going on in the 


Last week we had small groups at Jordan and Loramys house.  The theme was Italian, so I decided to make an Italian dessert.  The most popular Italian dessert being Tiramisu. Tiramisu is traditionally made with mascarpone cheese and beaten egg yolks.  While I have no 

Raylee’s Cheer Camp

In an effort to keep up to date pictures and information on my blog about my kids, I am submitting this one about Raylee’s Cheer camp she attended at the beginning of the school year. I think she had a good time,  but she didn’t 

Be Still

I knew it before I even opened my eyes this morning.  As I rolled over in bed, the rest of the world rolled over me.  And kept rolling, and pushing my head back into my pillows, until I groaned. “Ugh, VERTIGO, no,no,no,” If you have 

Grandma Fuller’s Meatball Recipe

Raylee helped me make Grandma Fullers meatballs for the last potluck at church.  The response was so great that we made them again! And this time took pictures to show how to put them together. These were a hit!  It is so nice to have