Month: October 2013

Pancakes Made Easier

This is just a quick blog to give a “momledge” tip (mom-knowledge) Raylee had her cousin Autumn over last night for a sleep over. They asked for pancakes.  We usually do something “special” for breakfast on Saturday mornings anyway, so  this morning we decided on 

Halloween Thru the Years

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year.  Everything about the crisp air, and caramel apples, the colorful leaves and the smell of cider, makes my heart have a buoyancy. When I woke up this morning, the house was wonderfully cool.  Fall is 

Grandma Fullers Pumpkin Squares

Every first Sunday of the month, we have a potluck at church.  There are always lots of good interesting foods brought to these gatherings.  I often feel that I my dishes fall a little flat when compared to the other meal options that are brought.  


Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much – – Helen Keller Last week, when I dropped Ezra and Zoe off at my mother-in-law’s house, we were standing in the yard watching the dog play.  As three year old’s often do, 

Canning Tomato Juice

This morning, before my feet hit the floor, I got a call.  A friend with a flourishing garden had 2 five gallon buckets of tomatoes that needed “done something with” as she said.  So I retrieved the buckets and began the long process of making